Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Chingo Bling Rapping In Spanish

Launch of Buzz Trends / RCA

AND ... 3B or the Big Buzz blog, the top blogs that buzzing. My firm partnered with RCA to develop a system of annual review of the blogosphere and the buzz on the Internet, in 3 parts:

- The Big Buzz Blogs, Top of the blogs buzzing Every month, The - media expert buzz - reward the 10 French blogs have experienced the largest gain in influence, in one of three categories "Politics and Society", "High Tech" and "Female";

- The notebook trends: on the occasion of the event Buzz the brand in October, the RCA office will publish a detailed study on trends in digital 2009 (news & trends consolidated, the largest buzz this year, the best and worst of digital communication, values and brand ... 2.0)

- And tomorrow? At the end of 2009, to follow the trend book, The propose a series of interviews with bloggers and experts looking to better identify future trends on the Web.

Come discover the results of the first edition of Big Buzz Blogs in category "Politics & Society": Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 8 h 30-9 h 30 "The Canteen" by Silicon Sentier

151 rue Montmartre, Passage des Panoramas - 75002 Paris (metro Bourse or Grands Boulevards)

RSVP Aelia Noiret, Wellcom: 01 46 34 60 60 /

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fleece Works Vs Mattes

The literary phenomenon of the year is tomorrow

The book particularly sulfur in the words of the Express Charlotte Roche will be out tomorrow in bookstores: Wetlands to Editions Anabet . The book was a resounding success in Germany with more than 1 million copies sold.

Charlotte Roche, author, TV host, is 30 and in his novel evokes the scatological adventures of a young lady of 18 years, Helen Memel, in the hospital to treat an anal fissure ... it happens.

Charlotte Roche became the symbol of the new German feminist movement "Alpha Mädchen" which means "girls dominant. Alpha Mädchen claim a "freedom of hygiene", talking about their privacy without taboo, sexuality, desire all, professional success, family life balance and a man, freely ... feminism without austerity. To be continued, to make the page (we men), they arrive in France.

Ant Racing Camera Review

Terra Nova dynamic

The Foundation Terra Nova is especially strong since its launch: Partnering with media release, a very good report on Barack Obama ("And if Barack Obama would change French politics"), comments / criticisms systematic the political agenda like the U.S. Think Tanks on topics as diverse as local government reform, the crisis, diversity, etc. ... notes or records more provided, working groups ... Terra Nova brief activates and manages its launch. According to

A Letter, we learn that she will soon publish a number of works in collaboration with Hachette Books.

Monday, March 2, 2009

James H Cole Funeral Home

Everyday ...

.... Or almost, Facebook offers me a pub to accompany my divorce! With the promise of a speedy and economical and a free quote now. Should I change my status to get free of this pressure systematic invitation to divorce? A daily onslaught (I signed up for the best ...) signed "Robert Wintgen law firm" that automatically in my profile. When you click on the ads you come across it : the famous personal quote and immediate. God only knows what can happen ... We can not swear to anything except one thing: never use the services of Robert Wintgen! Too annoying ...