Dear Comrade,
Your letter " about " December 2010, and especially its section on LGBT families, surprised and disappointed that we are socialist activists .
The analogy between the need for legal recognition of same-sex parents and the situation of polygamous families in France could be enough to store this letter among the excesses that LGBT activists have become accustomed to despise.
But back, as you do, the search for equal rights " selfishness of this" and the judge is incompatible with the "interests of our offspring " reveals such a misunderstanding of the situation of tens of thousands of children who are raised in France in the same-sex families as we wanted respond.
You write: " A child should always know that he has or had a father and a mother. Nobody can argue that fact. "The confusion between the functions of sire, surrogate, parent and legal owner of parental support seriously lacking, we discuss this "fact " with force.
Socialists know that our society progresses only if it can overcome the revealed truths, and other anthropological invariants stops thinking that find their source and destination in the religious justifications. About your lists those that legitimize their social conservatism by referring to the inexorable laws of biology.
In this conception which confuses sexuality and procreation, breeding and parentage, parents are only those whose sexuality is potentially procreative. On behalf of the analogy between mating pair and the parental couple, we deprive children of two parents and it establishes categories of citizens as less worthy than others to be parents. Another design, more secular, more parental involvement based on the primacy of organic would distinguish the generation of descent.
A child may have for parents of same sex, even more than two people he is the son or daughter. It is this vision that brought the Socialists in Belgium and Spain, to mention only the closest to recognize same-sex families, and open not only adoption but also AHR, to all couples, without discrimination.
The institutional consequences of inequality between same-sex and different-sex couples are serious. By giving more value and more rights to both groups, the Republic does not give itself the means to disqualify violence, direct or indirect threats lesbians, gays, bis and trans. The violence led to the loss of self-esteem, make them vulnerable to suicide risk and weaken vigilance against sexually transmitted infections. Maintain the inequality of rights, so it is not only give up the fight of secularism, is to leave the violence to respond to ignorance.
To move forward, we must take stock of the political nature of this struggle, and the place that the Socialists held since 1981. The left has stopped moving forward. She can not bear on analysis outrageous that ignore the facts and renounce the values of liberty, equality, solidarity, secularism and progress.
We are at your disposal to continue this exchange. The local group of HES Finistère continue to lead its information, explanation and debate, including by addressing the situation faced by LGBT families Finistère.
You will find attached a note of the group "New Families" Laboratory's ideas of the PS, based on the work of contemporary sociology, psychology and law to propose a law reform Family and conditions of access to assisted reproduction.
Friendships socialist
President of HES
gilles.bon-maury @
Formentini-Mory Yves
Head of the local group HES Finistère
Secretary of Section PS Châteaulin
yves.formentin @