Sunday, November 28, 2010

Black Brown Purple Highlight Hair

Brrrrrrrr mtb

That is to say he was not very, very hot, huh!
And worse still it was not traveling very, very quickly, eh!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How Much Manish Malhotra

Ms. Nicolas was very ambitious for her, but little for his city.

Under portraits of elected political youth Finistère The Telegram made this day a portrait of Gaël Nicolas, Mayor Chateaulin, Vice President and Regional Councillor CCPCP.

Moreover, the first thing that marks, no word on his tenure as Regional Commissioner, perhaps by choice editorial journalist, but in any event it is surprising at first.

But the first impression from reading this little picture is the great ambition of Madame Nicolas. Leave a town and a place of Councillor, to have any chance of being elected to another municipality, it is called ambition and opportunism as appropriate. But never mind. It

is amusing that the only two decisions that retains the newspaper for almost two mid-term actions are important, but not really a marker of long-term ambition for a municipality. Especially if they are not that unusual ... And by the way, yes there is an agreement with the Run Ar Puns, which is a good thing, but we forget to mention loss of funding to other organizations, as Polyson.

So is everything that represents nearly 2 ½ years of office of Ms. Nicolas? What about projects that could anchor the town and territory in the long term, and that would revitalize downtown? In short, I will not dwell here on all this, not Today anyway.

What we accept is that Mrs. Nicolas is ambitious, yes. But for her, not really for his community! Declare that candidate in municipal elections three years and a half before the election, it takes nerve! maybe she should not forget that before being a candidate of 2014, it should be mayor in 2011. And being mayor is not just manage the daily records, albeit sometimes with success. Being mayor is managing the daily forecast the short term and project themselves in the medium and long term for the good of his city. We are far from today, except for the ambitions personal election of Ms. Nicolas.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Replace Celica Struts

Way back home

So beautiful ...

Nothing to say, just go and hide! :-)))
see in HD on Zapiks course.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Fashion Show Invite Verbage

In the heat.

Here we are.
The government reshuffle, the intervention of President Chirac, substantive discussions that escalate to the PS, environmentalists gradually defining their political line, the PCF and PG which gradually assume their marriage. .. The political landscape is organized, is prepared.

The campaign has already begun. But not in the same way everywhere ... Environmentalists
reorganize while attempting to define what their political position (left or neither left nor right as intended by Daniel Cohn-Bendit). The form and substance, then, but this remains unclear. The Left Front is trying to continue and solidify its organization in time, with a big question: one or two candidates? Mélenchon works only this: to be the candidate of the Left Front in 2012, and the only ...

The UMP is organized with the government to set up "war machine" from the right. They do not govern for the general interest of the French, but to win the upcoming national. But many questions remain unanswered: Business (Bettencourt-Sarkozy, Woerth, Karachi, etc.), the guerrilla political promises to right and center right (Borloo de Villepin Devedjean, NC, etc. ...), social mobilization of the country still remains in the minds of the people and waiting for a signal to restart strongly ( spring), the elections of next year (cantonal and Senate) that will be (very) complicated for the right ... All this added to the blurring of Nicolas Sarkozy's reforms on taxation and dependence on ...

Meanwhile among socialists ... It
bump on the bottom! Yes there are disagreements, but not on individuals but on substantive issues, vision and policy proposals concrètent! This contrasts with the debates surrounding the UMP and the government. School safety, housing, city planning, the fight against discrimination, health, agriculture, etc.. At conventions, forums, public meetings or militant, meetings with the trade unions, entrepreneurial associations, the Socialists are preparing their project not for the next 5 years, but for the decade.

A general convention will be held in the spring for a first arbitration of our priorities and our proposals in relation to the funding issue. Then will switch the phase of open primaries to nominate our candidate (s) in the presidential election, and our legislative candidates. When we have our candidate (s), then there will be implementation of the program, based on our collective work, enriched by the other political parties who participated in the primaries, and enriched by our candidate (e).

schedule raises questions for some friends. However there is one thing they forget: it is the socialist activists and supporters that will hold primaries on the ground, and then go on the heels campaign. Now half of us get out of district elections in April, direct linking on primary will be complicated, very humanly. We can not miss the massive mobilization and organization of open primaries. The current schedule allows activists to prepare for, and the section secretaries to see how to hold the primaries on the ground.

Until then, we'll continue the debate on the issues:

- Saturday, November 20: Federal activist meeting on the topic of aging well together
- Wednesday, November 24: Committee on Equal Châteaulin to discuss the text of substantive equality,
- Tuesday, November 30: AGM of the 6th district in Pont de Buis to discuss the text on the equality,
- Thursday, December 2: Section meeting to discuss proposals for Châteaulin on the school paper, and vote (on the text and the amendments of section),
- Friday, December 3: Federal Convention in Bridge Buis on substantive equality,
- Saturday, December 11: National Convention in Paris on equality.

Still many meetings which discuss these key questions on this document (downloadable here ).

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Colour Coding For Shade Cloth Density

Focusing on a false debate.

In its edition today, The Telegram Châteaulin fact echoes the juxtaposition of two local venues: the municipal council and the public debate on the PS security hosted by JJ Urvoas.

Let me be clear, at any time of the PS Châteaulin no complaints against the mayor of the date of City Council. At no time have I accused the mayor and his majority have chosen this date on purpose to embarrass us knowing that the date of our debate has been known for three weeks (in contrast to that of the council).

The Telegram Châteaulin merely interpreting and forget rather quickly that:

- the date of our debate has already been amended times (originally October 28),
- JJ Urvoas is member and advisor of the National Socialist Party, and therefore a busy schedule.
- City Council does not attract dozens of people outside of elected and is therefore not a "competition" to direct us,
- our section of the PS is not confined to the town Chateaulin, but throughout the Township and that such public meeting draws beyond the more it is the first since the introduction of the PS project yesterday in Creteil.

should stop inventing debates where there are none, and instead engage in debates, giving all the elements (Not a party) where they are useful. All in respect for us but for the press the press the interlocutors and their word.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sore Throat, Lots Of Snot

public debate on security with JJ Urvoas

SECURITY: the Socialist Party proposals for a safe and just society!

PS Section Township Châteaulin invite you to a


on Thursday, November 18, 2010
the House For All Châteaulin
(5, quai A. Alba - beside the library)

led by Jean-Jacques
member of Finistere,
PS national secretary for security matters.

We will address all areas of the proposals of PS on security issues and the balance sheets of the line since 2002.

real state of play including staff, training and consideration of police and gendarmes, financial and human resources, roles and duties of officers, links with the Department of Justice, role and place of elected representatives state, including mayors and prefects, regional inequalities, jurisdiction of the Department ...

What security policy for the next decade, between prevention and repression?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Motiontrendz 3 Wheeler

Redesign I: Alain Juppe, Minister liar.

Jupp: "I will not go to the government" (2008)
sent LePostfr . - The News International video.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ringworm And African Americans

equality: the society of tomorrow debate the PS.

The Socialist Party will debate the next few days a whole range of proposals on the theme of societal equality. The National Council approved last night a document of 45 pages together a large number of ideas being considered. Work that has been piloted by Benoit Hamon, surrounded comrades of all persuasions should be reminded. They are social activists who will have to decide by their vote on December 2 .

Some comrades have accused the spokesman of the PS have to use the National Convention to impose its ideas. Except that Benoit Hamon was not alone in working on this document, the working group and hearing consisted of all existing trends PS. And it is amusing that those who attack Benoit Hamon and above the text of the Equal real are those pre-primary candidates! And they make his attacks in the press even before the National Council yesterday held to exist ... the media?

It remains that certain criticisms are substantive hearing. But precisely, the text is to discuss! We have almost a month to work, amend it and discuss it.

What is annoying again, those we hear most in this criticism in the media, are those at the head of the PS for almost 10 years and have not been able to establish such discussions to resolve substantive issues, Francois Hollande and Manuel Valls head.

This document does not purport to be a government program. He wants a political horizon toward which we want to go, we socialists. It will be the nominee next year in primaries open to prioritize, prioritize its proposals, with the PS, with his future parliamentary majority, with the following partners and parties budgetary margins obviously.

But it is our responsibility, our socialist activists, to define what is our vision for the medium term and long-term extremely important topics such as education, the fight against discrimination, public services, the city, housing, policy toward the youths, etc.. We need strong political will ask, new goals and ambitious, hoping to bring a credible and bearer of social justice.

No, all proposals will not be feasible in a term of office! No, all proposals will not be feasible with the same priority!

Doing politics is not having a vision of daily management.
The political left is put on achieving long term, have a vision of future society we want for the good of all in the public interest. It bring hope for a different company than the frenzied individualism.

PS means Socialist Party but also social progress.
What educational pact for our children? What definitions of the family? Which housing policy? What place for the youths in our society? What agricultural policy? What security in our society? What development and organization of the city? What place for our elders? What employment policy? What is a public service? What political and social action on prostitution? Etc.. The Socialist Party proposes, with this text in particular, to discuss all these issues and in most cases to decide on political and social objectives.

What has not been done since 2002, we are trying to do for 2 years. I recall that the last major conventions of PS took place under Lionel Jospin ... it was long ago. Do not fear no open projects of substance.

Photo: Benoit Hamon Guipavas November 6, 2010 / JY Cabon / PS Finistère

Monday, November 8, 2010

Best Brazilian Wax Richmond Bc


After the fall and grating delicate wood and earth on my skin soft and fragile ...

always follows the reward, the promised Holy Grail ...

Then the blessing of repose of the warrior (with a slice groooooosse) ...

M'enfin, it bursts that shit! :-))

Friday, November 5, 2010

Best Moisturizer Rosacea

Discrimination related to sexual orientation in the workplace.

We were a fortnight together at Brest for the debate with speakers Abily Gaëlle (Vice President Brittany responsible for equal rights and social innovation), Sabri Zidane (UNSA Country Iroise) and Marc Coatanea (1 st federal secretary Finistère). Was excused Gilles Bon-Maury (HES president). Yves Formentin-Mory, group leader HES Finistère animated debate, and intervened on behalf of HES (replacing Gilles Bon-Maury).

From the start all players are the same two facts: these are complicated to prove discrimination, but they are present in the enterprise at all levels.

is most often invisible discrimination. The evidence is very hard to make when (e) homosexual (the) feels discriminated (e). Homos are often put themselves away from their colleagues when there are discussions of family, vacation or weekend couples. Then there is a setting to "closet" suffered indirectly. 54% of gay men prefer to remain discreet about their private lives ( Other Circle). Now the work is one of the places where we spend the most time through his life, he is one of the main places of social life.

discrimination based on sexual orientation, although invisible, can be real work. They are the main reason the number of calls SOS Homophobia (0810 108135). In these calls, 60% are daily problems at work (teasing, jokes, etc.).. 16% of dismissals or resignations of questions, 11% of career issues (wages, trends, etc..). And the people doing this are varied: hierarchies, colleagues, subordinates, customers, used, patients ...

Abily Gaëlle (Brittany) said that the issue of the fight against this kind of discrimination is highly political. Thus we must say, left these values at the heart of our projects. Communities authorities can act in conjunction with associations, unions and business. That's what started the Brittany region with its "Charter of Partnership Breton for the quality of employment ", as an employer, but also in the context of economic development and continuing education (see document attached). Marc Coatanea (PS Finistère) joined as vice president of the Brittany region on the argument that politics should be at the heart of this struggle.

It highlights three figures: 33% of homosexuals (the) say they have suffered discrimination in French society, this figure rises to 85% in the world of work. It underscores the amplifying effect of corporate life from such discrimination. And he emphasizes the third digit, which sounds like a failure for now: a (e) homosexual (the) to 13 times more likely to commit suicide. In response, he advocates a real cultural battle in our society and in politics. We must fight discrimination in every way: education for basic education throughout life, highlighting the consequences of such discrimination, various actions on levers to remove barriers (legislative, regulatory, ...), and put resources, tools needed: occupational medicine, labor inspection, equality for all couples, creating anonymous space to listen and relay in the company or close the business world, etc..

In this arsenal, the unions have their place. Sabri Zidane (UNSA) supports his point several times the importance of possible actions within the company where there are discriminatory acts without going to break. Thus, HSC may be a useful tool to overcome the difficulties. However, there remains the difficulty of anonymity for an employee homosexual who does not wish to "outer" in his company but who has suffered discrimination. Hence the importance for unions to understand these issues. Just like society, unions have been slow to open up to the fight against discrimination related to sexual orientation. But things have changed. LGBT branches exist in most unions. The difficulty lies in the training of union representatives, as in those of employees, coaching or not. But different appointment of trade union training begin to take into account issues of discrimination, with the theme of homophobia at work.

Political action has a major role for the tools of action, but also prevention of sanction policy and legislation. The establishment of the High Authority against Discrimination and for Equality (HALDE) was a step forward but it is not enough. The left must put at the heart of his political project and its values. It must be born with the tools necessary for the long term (education, training ...) and short-term (equal for couples, family matters, places of listening in the company, penalties, means for jobs in the acting business for the HALDE, ...) and push partners social consider this question in the discussion professional and inter professional.

Other sites are also open: transphobia in business that is still very unknown, the séropophobie which is often more insidious and lesbophobia. All such discrimination is often cumulative, thus creating "double punishment" unbearable. Other reflexes are also to fight again and again: it is very difficult to be openly gay when you're a teacher, especially in the first degree or trades of early childhood. The parallel drawn between homosexuality and pedophilia and accusations in a public place can lead to dramatic situations.

On these themes, HES made proposals which you can find on our site . Proposals are also discussed in the Socialist Party in the preparation of its project for 2012.

Cheat Soul Silver For Vba

biking in Moab to air

tear Ca his mommy, huh!

It makes beautiful images stabilized these small helicopters!
No doubt this system will be increasingly used.
I ask myself the question of autonomy by cons ...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Tais Araujo Y Reynaldo Gianecchini 2010

Recent readings

Post to use purely memorial for goldfish glopeur ...

_ Ed McBain, Alice in danger, Editions du Rocher
_ Michael Connelly, Kneeling, Threshold
_ Thriller James Patterson, Honeymoon, Archipelago
_ Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, Small marital crimes, Albin Michel
_ Jeffery Deaver, Clair de Lune, a survey of Lyncoln Rhyme, Editions the Two Lands
_ Mikkel Birkegaard, bookstore shadows, Black River
_ Jeffery Deaver, The Sleeping Beauty, a survey of Kathryn Dance, Editions des Deux Terres
_ Harlan Coben, In the woods, Belfond Black
_ Ken Bruen, R & B Vixen, Gallimard
_ Michael Connelly, The bird of darkness, Threshold Thriller
_ Arnaldur Indridason, Jar City, paperback
_ Michael Connelly, Echo Park, Threshold Thriller
_ John Grisham, The Firm, Robert Laffont
_ Robert Ludlum, The Matarese Circle of Blue, Robert Laffont
_ Robin Cook, Shock, Albin Michel
_ Michael Connelly, Mourning prohibited Threshold
_ Thriller Michael Connelly, Chronicles Crime, Thriller Threshold
_ Michael Connelly, Wonderland Avenue, Threshold
_ Thriller Michael Connelly, Los Angeles River, Threshold Thriller

Relu with pleasure

_ Tom Clancy Red October, Albin Michel
_ Andrew Neiderman, The Devil's Advocate, Pocket
_ Dan Brown, Angels and Demons, Pocket
_ JRR Tolkien, The Hobbit, France Loisirs

Come on, I have others that await me! :-)