Some comrades have accused the spokesman of the PS have to use the National Convention to impose its ideas. Except that Benoit Hamon was not alone in working on this document, the working group and hearing consisted of all existing trends PS. And it is amusing that those who attack Benoit Hamon and above the text of the Equal real are those pre-primary candidates! And they make his attacks in the press even before the National Council yesterday held to exist ... the media?
It remains that certain criticisms are substantive hearing. But precisely, the text is to discuss! We have almost a month to work, amend it and discuss it.
What is annoying again, those we hear most in this criticism in the media, are those at the head of the PS for almost 10 years and have not been able to establish such discussions to resolve substantive issues, Francois Hollande and Manuel Valls head.
This document does not purport to be a government program. He wants a political horizon toward which we want to go, we socialists. It will be the nominee next year in primaries open to prioritize, prioritize its proposals, with the PS, with his future parliamentary majority, with the following partners and parties budgetary margins obviously.
But it is our responsibility, our socialist activists, to define what is our vision for the medium term and long-term extremely important topics such as education, the fight against discrimination, public services, the city, housing, policy toward the youths, etc.. We need strong political will ask, new goals and ambitious, hoping to bring a credible and bearer of social justice.
No, all proposals will not be feasible in a term of office! No, all proposals will not be feasible with the same priority!
Doing politics is not having a vision of daily management.
The political left is put on achieving long term, have a vision of future society we want for the good of all in the public interest. It bring hope for a different company than the frenzied individualism.
PS means Socialist Party but also social progress.
What educational pact for our children? What definitions of the family? Which housing policy? What place for the youths in our society? What agricultural policy? What security in our society? What development and organization of the city? What place for our elders? What employment policy? What is a public service? What political and social action on prostitution? Etc.. The Socialist Party proposes, with this text in particular, to discuss all these issues and in most cases to decide on political and social objectives.
What has not been done since 2002, we are trying to do for 2 years. I recall that the last major conventions of PS took place under Lionel Jospin ... it was long ago. Do not fear no open projects of substance.
Photo: Benoit Hamon Guipavas November 6, 2010 / JY Cabon / PS Finistère
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