A bit of me there as
It's been a while since I had not responded to our dear tags that go around from time to time on the blogosphere . So to forgive me, I catch the flight to Anne Laure and Fr @ mboize .
1) Why did you create a blog?
At first it was just to talk about my neighborhood. And yes, my blog was then called " Ménilmontant & Co" (tickets for this blog is still on the current). And then wire needles, I changed my bank and I especially wanted to open up on other subjects. It is for this reason that I renamed my blog "Faust'in Paris. And now that I'm going to change a city, I prefer to call "Faust'in" for short, even if I retain the original URL. Now I blog mostly for me to type common delusions with all the little tribe that is the blogosphere. To exchange, communicate, converse, are the words that come to me first when I explain why I opened my blog first.
2) What kind of blog do you participate?
I frequent all types of blogs. Whether in culinary trend, beauty, fashion, pipelettes, travel, photos, comics ... Now I spend my way if I do not like the tone on the blog in question.
3) Your favorite brand of makeup / Your favorite car brand?
car side we will move quickly on the subject since I'm still not allowed (in fact it's my priority on arriving in Bordeaux). As for makeup, I do not know. I use all types of marks under the budget that I have in my wallet when shopping.
4) Your favorite brand of clothing?
Pffff, I do not know either ... I will mostly quote signs with whom I often go. Namely, H & M, Zara, Mango, Promod, Etam ... Finally, you get the idea what. But I will like, from time to time, be able to push the door of Zadig & Voltaire, Maje, Sandro ... ^ ^
5) Does your makeup need / your favorite gadget?
Mascara (+ a pencil) and otherwise it will be my IPhone, my IPad, my MacBook Air (no, I do not like apples ^ ^). Not forgetting my camera of course. Sorry, but this time I can not cite one;)
6) Your favorite color?
The black if it's for clothes, although I always wear a splash of color to settle. But if in general, I do not. I like all colors.
7) Your perfume?
I am an infidel in the matter but I wear for two years now "Parisienne" Yves Saint Laurent.
8) Your favorite movie?
difficult question as there are so many. But since I must name one, it be "The Wizard of Oz" .
9) What country would you visit and why?
question even more difficult than the previous one, but when I answer simply: Earth. And why? Because I do not support the blinders. I thirst to learn even more about the different cropping patterns that exist around the world. I like to take full sight and those who know me know that. Now, I hesitate, for my next trip, between the discovery of part of the U.S., the wonder of Rajasthan and a newcomer in Indonesia.
10) issues here differ depending on whether one is in Anne-Laure and asking me to do the last question and answer . In this case, I'll ask what my favorite dish and I will tell you that this is the couscous without any hesitation, in fact it makes me hungry. And if I go home Fr @ mboize , the last question wonder what would be the ideal world of work for me? A half-time that would allow me to stay home while seeing the world the rest of the time. Being freelance I think I fit well. But I will be well into a shop too. Nothing to see, I know, but I see myself to be my own boss.
Since I do not tag anyone, I let it run and wants to catch in passing. Tell me all the same in the comments, if you decide to respond. I remain a curious primarily ^ ^
Good Sunday