Sunday, May 17, 2009

Can A Dvr Show Still Get Ratings

Blogs, Social Media and Politics

Along Everything but anonymous, I publish another book (more seriously ...) to the 2-color editions, "Blogs , social media and politics "a study based in many references (political, media, bloggers, associations, writers ... see below). I especially thank David Abiker, Thierry Crouzet, Nicolas Voisin, Violet, Guy Birenbaum, Thierry Libaert, Benedict Raphael and Olivier Andreu.

Incomplete list: Aaalien Accessoweb Alain Duhamel Alain Vizier Anh Phan Arianna Huffington Article 11 Aufeminin Authueil Bah? Barack Obama Benoït Raphael Bertrand Delanoe Betapolitique Beyond Beauty Paris BlackPlanet Blog Herald Blogrider Bruno Rebelle BuzzParadise Café-Croissant Canal+ Carla Bruni-Sarkozy CB News Chantal Dussuel Charron et de Bonville Chris Anderson Chris Hughes Christian Salmon Christophe de Chenay Christophe Grébert Christophe Lancellotti Claude Goasguen Claude Malaison Commentaires & vaticinations
Cozop Cyril Fievet (blog story) Dailymotion Daniel Dhombres David Abiker Delicious Difool
Don Quixote Edelman Emily Turrettini (blog story) Emmanuel Todd Issues echoes
Eric Brion Europe 1 Fabrice Epelboin Women engaged Flikr Fondation Concorde Franck Confino François Bayrou Bernard Huygues François Nonnenmacher (Blogger business) François Sarkozy Francoise de Panafieu Fred Cavazza Frédéric Lefèvre
Free Range Graphics Glam Media Glenn Reynolds Google Greenpeace Guy Birenbaum
Hacking NetFlix Howard Dean Huffington Post Hugues Serraf hypos Info Strategists Intox2007
IPOL JF Achilli Jean-Michel apathy Jean-Marie Cavada Jean-Marie Le Pen Jeremy Rifkin
John McCain John Paul Lepers Julien Dray Karl Zero Squaring the Net The free TV The Alliance for the Planet Lawrence Pinsolle The Clusif Le Figaro Le Journal Geek of The newspaper Le Monde Net The World's Blog LHC Network The Rocrocodile Kinepeuthe The Fair farmer The Democrats preferred to speak French The Yesmen
Express Linkedin The Institut Montaigne Loïc Lemeur Ludovic Francois Narcisse Ma vie en Maître Eolas
Marc Smith and Peter Kollock Marc Thouvenin Marc Vasseur Marc Zuckerberg
Marc-Olivier Fogiel Marie Gores Aubry Michael Arrington Mikiane Modem MoiSégolène My friend Fidel Mozilla Mu Zimei MySpace Nelly Wenger Netpolitique Netslé Switzerland
Netvibes Nicolas Hulot Nicolas Sarkozy Nicolas Voisin Nicolas Vanbremeersch Nielsen Nokia
Nowhere else Olivier Andreu Pan, the satirical newspaper and cyber Wednesday Sharing my opinion Socialist Party Patrice Flichy Peter Merholz Pen Press Politicshow Presse Citron
Quitterie Delmas Dati Rama Yade RCA ReadWriteWeb Renovation and pragmatism
Robert Scoble Sarkofrance Second Life Segolene Royal Serge Dassault Six Apart Skyblog Superno TechCrunch France Technorati Thierry Crouzet Thierry Libaert Transfer Labor Sunday Tristan Mendes France Trublyonne Twitter Typepad UMP Viadeo Vincent Vincent Peillon HUWER Violet Here Wikio Xavier Bertrand Yahoo Youtube Yves Eudes (

To order the book: = ouvrage_detail ouv_id = 222 &

blogs belong to the third major evolution of the Internet, one commonly called Web 2.0: a web and interactive community that a large number of Internet appropriates through tools such as video sharing (YouTube, Dailymotion ...), social networks (Facebook, Viadeo ...) microblogging (Twitter ...) and many other techniques.

Beyond personal and leisure uses, social media are central to a revolution which is still poorly assesses the implications. What is known today for their impact on traditional media, business and politics? How to evaluate the influence of social media? Sharing knowledge and ideas, the development of digital identities, new reports of economic forces, political destabilization, the questioning of the journalism ... all issues addressed in this book from
concrete examples, illustrated by interviews with columnists David Abiker, Guy Birenbaum and Benoît Raphaël, and political bloggers.

Addressing the reader as well as neophyte professionals or actors involved in politics, this book by David Reguera, director of RCA and speaker cabinet at Celsa, has a long practice of intelligence. The look Semiotic P. Couton-Wyporek and C. Legris-Desportes on a selection of political blogs, usefully complements its expertise.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Where Is Pressure Point In Dogs

How about yourself? 5

hesitation hesitation hesitation ... while it is likely that you will support the Government's action in which you are yourself. Signed Bernard Kouchner. And make under "pressure" the scoop, cut to the quick, one title for you: "European Bernard Kouchner UMP vote. Phew. Nice little op. even if it's not worth a "Pardon on behalf of French "