Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Romeo And Julietclothing Styles

2009 Everything But Anonymous in Info Net - France Info

Abiker David discusses the phenomenon awareness (morning in his column on France Info) and reverse its consequences, the new trend ... Everything but be known :

- Let another way to go to the celebrity, "I decided to be anonymous to be known" -> For Daft Punk, anonymity is part of the strategy commercial, for others, the unveiling of the true identity will probably be the lever of the future "recognition", orchestrated or not. Salam Pax as a discovered by the Guardian .

- Or a better way to live his anonymity in a posture protest, transforming the inability to be (or this yearning, but frustrated to be) a deliberate choice. For those who live out their anonymity will not try to make it a trend or a dissident stance: that idea has already fallen into oblivion.