Monday, February 14, 2011

Andy Cody, Corbin Fisher

Handicap: the right back.

The Act of February 11, 2005 established the principle of the widespread accessibility of buildings for people with disabilities, ten years after the passage of the law, in 2015. As we approach the deadline, the government backtracked.

On numerous occasions the government has tried to change the spirit of the 2005 Act by introducing devices waiver without any consultation with the associations and federations of disabled persons and their families.

An amendment passed in the supplementary budget for 2009 has been censured by the Constitutional Council. At the Grenelle Environment, the Government had wanted to make new waivers and waived outcry against the associations.

Again, in a bill on the functioning of departmental homes of disabled people, a rapporteur's amendment in the Senate, introduced new device exemption for new buildings.

Radical Socialist Group & Citizen of the National Assembly vote against the bill and warning families against a regression that contradicts all the commitments on disability.


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